Health programs

Mental health

Stress and anxiety

The stress and anxiety program promotes awareness about stress levels in college and healthy techniques to manage and reduce stress.

Sexual health

PrEP: Is it right for you?

Did you know HIV prevention is as easy as taking one pill a day? Known as "PrEP", this pill is up to 99% effective at preventing HIV when taken correctly. Learn more about PrEP and whether it could be right for you.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

This sexual health program will increase awareness of STIs. Interactive games and informational handouts are used to further engage the audience.

Safe sex and contraception

This sexual health program provides education on various methods of birth control and their effectiveness. Interactive games and informational handouts are used to further engage the audience.


Sleep hygiene

Getting enough sleep is vital for your academic success and your overall health. Learn about why sleep is important and tips about how to get better sleep.


The nutrition program promotes the health and campus resources available that will help you be nutritionally fit. It also educates students about nutrition and accessible healthy food options.

Vaping and smoking cessation

The vaping program increases awareness about health risks associated with vaping and using e-cigarettes and provides tips to help you quit vaping and smoking.

Love Shouldn't Hurt

Love Shouldn't Hurt program provides information about healthy relationships, signs of abuse, and where to go for help.

Request a program

If you are interested in having a Campus Health Center (CHC) representative present a program, please submit your request. If you have a request for a new program, please indicate this information under the New program suggestion field.

Request a program