Patients Rights and Responsibilities


Thank you for choosing Wayne State’s Campus Health Center for your health care needs. We want you to understand the rights you have as a patient. We also want to share the expectations that will lead to mutual respect, open communication, and the highest level of care. Your health and wellness are our top priority.

As a patient at Campus Health Center you have the right:

  • To be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
  • To services, treatment, and an environment free of discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, color, height, weight, gender, gender identity and expression, disability status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, or veteran status.
  • To be protected from embarrassment or invasion of privacy.
  • To choose to have a friend, family member, or formal chaperone present for emotional or other support during your visit. 
  • To expect that personal convictions and beliefs will be considered when seeking help, and convictions and beliefs of the provider will not adversely affect care.
  • To expect care given by appropriately qualified professionals.
  • To complete information, to the degree known, concerning diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and any significant treatment alternatives of the illness or health-related condition.
  • To participate appropriately in decisions regarding health care.
  • To have access to the information contained in the medical record, within the limits of the law.
  • To confidentiality, regarding record disclosures, and the opportunity to approve or refuse, in writing, the release of information, except when required by law or when life is in danger.
  • To information regarding the scope and availability of services, hours of access, provisions for after-hours care, and emergency coverage.
  • To information regarding fees-for-services, what services may be involved, and methods of payment.
  • To full information regarding appropriate channels for expressing grievances and making evaluations.
  • To be made aware of experimental research and the right to refuse to participate in such research without jeopardizing access to care.
  • To accept medical care or to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences.
  • To have pain assessed and to have it treated. 

 As a patient at Campus Health Center you have the responsibility:

  • To provide, to the best of their ability, complete information to assure proper evaluation and care.
  • To follow instructions concerning medications, follow-up visits, and other essential steps in their treatment plan, and to notify their provider if the plan cannot be followed or if problems develop.
  • To ask sufficient questions to ensure appropriate comprehension of their illness or condition, as well as recommendations for continuing care.
  • To provide feedback regarding their perception of health services.
  • To avail themselves of educational opportunities offered through Campus Health Center services, and to employ knowledge and experience gained towards developing a healthful lifestyle.
  • To show respect for Campus Health Center personnel.
  • To keep appointments or notify the department or clinic in advance if an appointment cannot be kept.
  • To make payment, or arrangement for payment, of service fees.
  • To contact their insurer to determine whether billable services are covered by their plan.

Protection of Patient Rights:

We want to hear about what went well, or what could have been improved, regarding your care at Campus Health Center. You are encouraged to express comments or concerns through the following mechanisms:

  • Complete the survey that is emailed following each appointment.
  • Notify Dr. Melanie Woods, Interim CNO, of concern by calling 313-577-5120, or emailing